A Custom Designed SunCatcher
We can help you design a SunCatcher in a size and type specific to your needs. With SunCatcher design services you are not limited to just a free standing passive solar greenhouse. We can help you with adding a grow space to an existing home, for a rooftop, or a unique design of your own.
Our consulting fees are $200/hour plus expenses; for larger projects we can do $500 in advance for the first three hours, then $150/hour after that. We can consult via email, over the phone, online video call or consider on-site for special situations.
We can also help with starting and setting up your grow space if you are just getting started or need help with plant propagation, pest and disease identification and management solutions.
Check out these photos of our SunCatcher Jr prototypes as well as several projects where we have provided consultation and custom design services in the past. We hope to have the SunCatcher Jr model available for purchase by fall 2016.